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Big Ideas For Small Businesses

6 Rules for the Proper Care of your Web Developer

6 Rules for the Proper Care of your Web Developer

Anyone who has ever seen the IT Crowd knows that we computer nerds are a sensitive breed, and we web developers have our own peculiar brand of eccentricity. After all, we speak multiple languages of basic gibberish and spend hours arguing over esoteric things. How...

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My #1 Web Copywriting Tip

My #1 Web Copywriting Tip

Fresh, relevant content is a must for boosting your search rankings and growing your online presence. That means blogs, articles and Web page copy... just to name a few. And for some, that can seem a little daunting. So here's a Web copywriting tip that will make...

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5 Reasons Why Marketing Has Become More Social

Yes, we are talking about social media. I’m guessing that everyone reading this has their own personal social media accounts. Am I right? Now, do you have social media accounts for your business? If the answer is no, we need to change that. Social media has become a...

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How to package and deliver your content to the masses.

How to package and deliver your content to the masses.

If you already know you want to create information products but you’re not sure where to start, this post is for you. Determining what content you want to distribute is covered in our Content Creation Guide post. This is a guide for the steps you need to take to make...

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A Step-by-step Guide to Creating Content

A Step-by-step Guide to Creating Content

One of the most difficult components of website design, social media and online marketing is content creation. What do I need to say? Who am I trying to reach? What am I going to blog about? These are questions that we get asked quite frequently. Now let's take a look...

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Why You Can’t Afford Not to Have a Responsive Website.

What is a responsive website? A responsive website rearrange the content on your website so it can be viewed on any screen size, including mobile smartphones and tablets. Why is it important to you?   A responsive website will enhance your user’s experience. The goal...

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