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Big Ideas For Small Businesses

11 Major Components to Consider for Your Marketing Copy

11 Major Components to Consider for Your Marketing Copy

If you're not a marketing professional or in the business of promoting yourself or your clients, you may often wonder what it takes to write great copy. Many people who understand the importance of good copy recoil from the idea of having to write it themselves, and...

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4 Reasons to Hire a Marketing Agency to Build Your Website

4 Reasons to Hire a Marketing Agency to Build Your Website

I get it. You're a business and you're trying to save money by doing your own web design. Consider this: is that really the best use of your time and resources? Website design and development is a complex and specialized field, and unless you're a website expert...

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3 Ways to Save Money with (Organic) Social Media Marketing

3 Ways to Save Money with (Organic) Social Media Marketing

For the next three months, I want you to concentrate on increasing your organic social media marketing reach. Why? Because quality content accessed in an organic way increases your credibility with your audience. If you have been working on your brand marketing...

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Google Knows What Your Customers Want Without Asking Them

Google Knows What Your Customers Want Without Asking Them

    How do you anticipate your client’s needs even if they don’t know what they need? Google helps you figure out what your customers (and potential customers) want with one ridiculously simple trick, and you can use it whenever you like. It doesn’t involve...

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Keeping Your Company’s Social Media Trendy

Keeping Your Company’s Social Media Trendy

There’s a chance you’ve seen a video floating around about the brand-new Ford Saeks NFT Collection. It’s a neat concept for sure, but this video is just a spoof, a solid entry for an April Fools post. Why did we dedicate time to making a fake video for a product we...

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AI Marketing for Small Business

AI Marketing for Small Business

Marketing Challenges in a Rapidly Changing World To stay competitive in the fast-changing world of business, companies need to embrace new technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics for their marketing activities. Marketing AI...

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