Prime Insights
Big Ideas For Small Businesses
Fast Company Magazine’s Most Influential Person
Fast Company is searching for people who are influential online. Discover how influential YOU are. Find out how influential other people are by visiting The Influence Project. What's really cool about it is that EVERYONE who participates will get their photo in the...
What Does Your Website Look Like on the iPhone, iPad or Smartphone?
Improving your website visitor's experience through effective website design that works cross-platform and on a wide range of Internet devices, smartphones, iPhones and iPads. Businesses today need to think about how their customers will use their website and respond...
Internet Marketing Speaker Ford Saeks Business Growth Specialist
There are two categories of Internet Marketing Speakers Those that earn the majority of their income from selling products and services teaching others how to be internet marketers and those that show other companies how to utilize Internet marketing to grow their...
THINK or Go Wear a Paper Hat: Learned helplessness
Why do you suppose so many employees today have entitlement mentality and learned-helplessness? I'm talking about the attitude that they think they are irreplaceable, indispensable and that they deserve to keep their job even with poor or lackluster performance. I'm...
Make a Great First Impression with Effective Social Media Profiles
Regardless of which Social Media, Social Networking or content sharing website you’re involved with, they all have user profiles, settings and options to configure that can help make it easier to connect with you online. Make it a point this week to revisit your...
How to Find the Perfect Website Designer
You want results. You want more targeted website traffic. You want better conversions from your landing pages to subscribers and sales. You hire a website design firm or web designer and pay them hundreds or thousands of dollars and expect them to deliver results....