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Social Media Marketing Services: Connect, Engage and Convert

Don’t Get Seduced by the Dark Side… Keep it Simple.

I’m referring to the dark side force of social media that keeps you up at night worrying about growing your business and leveraging the superpower of social media sites, like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

Are you listening, responding and engaging your target market?

What are people saying about your brand, your products and services?   Are you paying attention? Have you claimed your business listings on Yelp.com?  What about the other opinion and ratings websites?  Do you have filters set up using www.Hootsuite.com to monitor keyword topics from Twitter?  You can use social media websites to listen to the buzz in the market place as it relates to your industry, the competition, your prospects wants, needs & desires, and your products and services.

Social Media offers so many benefits, but it can be a huge waste of time without the right plan and actions steps.

Understand that your website and social media websites are just communication tools. The purpose of communication is the response it elicits. Are your social media efforts eliciting the responses needed to connect and engage your prospects?

If not, we can help.  Prime Concepts offers social media networking action plans and a host of other social media marketing services, including customized branded backgrounds for YouTube, and Twitter, integrated Facebook Pages that capture “likes” and encourage interaction.  We can help you transform your LinkedIn Profile and LinkedIn company branded pages too.  LinkedIn is often overlooked, but it’s designed for business networking. It’s amazing for research, connecting to people you don’t know through those that you do know, and much, much more.

Get the inside scoop on LinkedIn at one of our other websites… www.LinkedStrategies.com   It has a free LinkedIn Quickstart Guide and a few other resources. Check it out.

Be cautious of those so-called social media experts who claim they know everything. 

No one does and those mediums are changing all of the time. It’s crazy how many people have jumped on the bandwagon to offer social media advice, how-to products, and services. Many don’t have a clue about customer engagement, value propositions, and using these sites for business.  Make sure you do your research first, check their testimonials and case studies to ensure they know what they’re doing or hire a company like Prime Concepts that understands how to find, attract and keep your customers.

To help us stay current on the every-changing world of social media and inbound marketing we’ve partnered with Hubspot.  Now we’re providing our clients with the exact systems to leverage and monetize all of their inbound marketing efforts.   This is a “done-for-you” type system that will produce amazing results for you and your business.  Remember, each social media website has specific advantages and not all of them may be applicable for your particular business.

Don’t make it harder than it has to be. 

Make a spreadsheet of all of your websites and social media websites, including usernames, emails used for the accounts and the passwords associated with each login. Do I really need to tell you to keep this file password protected or encrypted and in a safe place?  Keeping it organized and in one place makes it easy for you to manage and helps you when you’re ready to integrated modules, add-ins, programs and plugins, from site to site.

Have you established the performance benchmarks for your social media efforts?  It’s not about the quantity, it’s about the quality.  For social proof, having thousands of fans looks good, but who cares if they aren’t engaged or helping you grow your business.   Are you just tossing crap up against the social media wall to see what sticks or do you have a plan?   Sure, by now you’ve most likely set up a few profiles, but can you trace any leads or new business from social media websites?  We certainly can… and not because we’re so special, but because we understand how to match the right marketing message with the specific medium.  The better the match… the better the results. It really is that simple.

In summary, social media has a ton to offer your business and doesn’t have to be nightmare.

Use it to monitor your brand, get top search engine rankings, lead generation, customer service, damage control, inbound marketing, connect with new prospects, engage your customer base, and generate sales. 

What’s your biggest question related to social media? Post your question below and we’ll respond here and on future posts.


Author Byline: Ford Saeks, Business Growth Specialist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant. Helping you find, attract, and keep your customers. https://ProfitRichResults.com

November 25, 2011 Posted By : Ford Saeks


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