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Continually Improve Every Area of Your Life with a Success Library

Wouldn’t it be great if you have a support system that would help you continually improve every area of your life?


Ford Saeks here coming to you from the offices of Prime Concepts Group with some Superpower thoughts… Do you take a shower or bath everyday?  Most likely you do… and why?  If you took a shower today, then you’re clean… right?  But by the next day, you may be a bit dirty and need to shower again…

Well, that’s the same thing that happens with personal development. You can read a book, or attend a seminar and that’s great for you, but then your environment, society and your influences, including the people you hang around most, can make your mind, “dirty” again. So without consistent continued effort to work on the skills that you want to improve, you won’t sustain long term results. That’s why You need to have a success library!

Now, there are only two ways for you to gain knowledge. You can learn from your experience, or you can learn from the experience of others. Which one do you suppose is better? As you know you’ll either learn life’s lesson and make the improvement, or life will keep repeating the lesson until you make the change.

I’ve learned the hard way… in a lot of cases. But, it make more sense to learn from other people’s experience, especially thought leaders and experts, and utilize their expertise to improve your quality of life?

That’s where your success library comes in.

You need to have a variety of resources…books, articles, blogs, videos, anything… that help motivate you, teach you, and inspire you to do more! I have large library  full of resources on a wide variety of topics. I make time daily for personal growth and development.

Here are a couple of my new additions…

My good friend and colleague Randy Gage has a new book titled Risky Is the New Safe you can check it RiskyistheNewSafe.com  I think what best describes this book is it’s like… Think and Grow Rich 2013

Next, for those of you responsible for revenue generating activities, I suggest you get a copy of Video Marketing for Dummies. This book will help you understand how to plan, create, produce, and benefit from video marketing. It’s a must-read for anybody responsible for improving marketing results, website conversions and sales.

Oh, and of course, you should get a copy of my newest book Superpower! as it makes a great addition to your success library.

Like I’ve said before… The More You Learn the More You Can Earn!

Well, that’s all for today! I’d love to hear what resources you have in your success library. Let us know by commenting below, posting on Facebook, or tweeting using the hashtag   #SuperPowerBook

Author Byline: Ford Saeks, Business Growth Specialist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant. Helping you find, attract, and keep your customers. https://ProfitRichResults.com

March 31, 2013 Posted By : Ford Saeks


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