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Are You Setting SMART Goals for Yourself and Your Business?

Think back…What was the last goal you set for yourself? Did you achieve it? If not, what was holding you back? Or…has it been so long since you’ve set a goal that you can’t even remember?

Whether you want to succeed in your business or just on a personal level (and who doesn’t?), effective goal setting is one of the key factors in achieving success. And to do it right, you need to be smart about setting your goals. Or rather, SMART.

At Prime Concepts Group, we use a common strategy called the SMART goal-setting method for new product launches and marketing campaigns, as well as for goals on a personal level. You can read a lot more about this concept in Ford’s book, Superpower! How to Think, Act and Perform with Less Effort and Better Results. But we know you’re already chomping at the bit to start setting smarter goals right now, so here’s the basic breakdown:

S = Specific
To help your mind and body achieve the goal, it needs to be specific and embedded into your unconscious.  Write down exactly what you want, why you want it, and how to get there. Basically, if you want something badly enough, your brain will figure out how to make it happen!

M = Measurable
If you want to stay on track toward your goal instead of veering off course and risking disappointment and failure, you need to establish specific criteria for measuring and tracking your progress. Let’s put it this way: If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you ever reach your destination?

A = Attainable
Okay, this can get a little tricky. What one person thinks is attainable may not be attainable to another person. Basically, it all boils down to your belief system and what you believe you can do. Your challenge is to develop the attitudes, skills and abilities—along with the financial capacity—to reach your goals.

R = Realistic
Again, this one relates more to a state of mind. Keep in mind that realistic doesn’t mean easy. In the SMART goal-setting system, it means doable. It means that you believe you can do it, that the skills needed are available, and—on a business level—that the goal fits the overall vision of the company. Be careful not to set yourself up for failure by setting goals that are totally unrealistic!

T = Timely
Because most of us have a tendency to procrastinate, it’s critical that your short-term and long-term goals have a deadline. Otherwise, there’s no sense of urgency and you’ll find yourself thinking of all the other piddly things that “need” to be done instead (admit it, you’re guilty of doing this!).

So, now you should be motivated to not only set some new goals, but start achieving them. Be sure to write them all down in a computer file, or just use good ol’ pen and paper. We’d love to hear what some of your SMART goals are (whether short-term or long-term), so feel free to share by leaving a comment below!

Here are some other posts you’ll find helpful:

Author Byline: Ford Saeks, Business Growth Specialist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant. Helping you find, attract, and keep your customers. https://ProfitRichResults.com

December 28, 2012 Posted By : Ford Saeks


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