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Superpower! Book Endorsed by Success and Prosperity Expert Randy Gage

Find Out How Ford Saeks’ Superpower! Book Can Help You Think, Act and Perform with Less Effort and Better Results

In his August 19 Prosperity TV video, “Get More Done,” world-renowned success and prosperity expert Randy Gage endorsed Prime Concepts Group founder and CEO, Ford Saeks, and his new Superpower! book, Superpower! How to Think, Act, and Perform with Less Effort and Better Results.

Randy Gage shares his insights on how you manifest prosperity and abundance in your life, helping people create a prosperity mindset and harness the power of thought and intention to manifest success.  With 105,000+ likes on Facebook, 151,000+ Twitter followers and 787,880 video views on YouTube… Randy is the go-to guy for all things success and prosperity.

In Randy’s video, he relates productivity to the topic of success and prosperity, which is where Ford’s new book comes in!  Randy explained how Ford’s Superpower! book will take you through a seven step process to determining where you are, where you want to be and how to get there.

For more information about the Superpower! book or Ford Saeks, visit www.SuperpowerBook.com.  You can get your copy of Superpower! at your favorite bookstore or on Amazon.

Author Byline: Ford Saeks, Business Growth Specialist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant. Helping you find, attract, and keep your customers. https://ProfitRichResults.com

August 22, 2012 Posted By : Ford Saeks


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