What is the purpose of having so many websites and URL’s? Couldn’t all of the pages of content be operated off back pages of your flagship website? What is the thinking here?
What is the purpose of having so many websites and URL’s? Couldn’t all of the pages of content be operated off back pages of your flagship website? What is the thinking here? Good Question… Sure, you could put all of the content on your flagship website and probably should if it makes good marketing sense, but the other reasons for getting multiple URLs and having multiple sites is:
1. The main reason is targeted marketing. If you send someone to your flagship site they have to search for the solution to their problem or desire, but if you have a website dedicated to it you can focus their attention and control the sales process.
2. Multiple domains can improve your split-testing processes. For example, is a basic sales letter type site. We can track the visitor traffic and conversions to see which pulls better. (A more advanced method can use a third-party A/B split testing service, but more about that in a future blog.)
3. Another reason to get your domains in .COM, .NET, .ORG and other variations is to protect them so other people, like competitors, don’t use them. For example, we’ve used to promote our affiliate link to their shopping cart. Guess what, we get commissions every month from people who type in the domain with the dash by mistake and we make the commission. (Of course, we also promote it under that URL too which prevents the recipient from stripping out the affiliate URL portion protecting our promos.)
4. Having multiple domains with all of them inter-linked with keyword links, helps to increase your search engine rankings. For example, if I have a marketing site selling products that is my flagship site and I link it to individual product sites selling an internet marketing course and both sites have links to each other using keywords, then the search engines see it as more relevant and a higher ranking value. Now, before I get flamed with a ton of emails, I am not attempting to explain or over simplify “reciprocal linking strategies” or “search engine optimization” (SEO), but having multiple sites interlinked does help you sell more products and services which is the point in the first place.
5. Improves your sales efforts with Google pay-per-click AdWords. When you are creating your AdWords ads, you’ll find that if you have a custom URL related to the KEYWORD that you are trying to drive traffic on that you’ll get a higher click-through rate if the keyword is also in the URL. For example,
Prosperity Workshop
The Event that Can Take You From
Lack to Abundance. Find Out How.
This gave us a higher click-through because we use the keyword “Prosperity”, in the title and in the URL.
In summary, the benefits of having multiple sites and URLs is for targeted marketing, testing, and tracking purposes. More about this in the upcoming teleseminars and blogs. Tune in to get the answers.