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Increase Customer Loyalty and Retention

Add Value... Make a ProfitAdd Value, Make a Profit.
That concept sounds simple, I know. But you’d be surprised at how many people overlook it. The more value you add, the more customers will keep coming back to do business with you… and the more profit your business will generate.

By the way, I don’t apologize for that last part about profit. If a business doesn’t generate a profit, then it won’t be in business very long… at least, not in a free market economy. Seems like in the news lately, Profit is a dirty word.  The profit I’m referring to is value-for-value exchange.

Adding value is really the name of the game when it comes to customer loyalty. When you add more value, customers buy more frequently, and in larger quantities… and they tell more of their friends about the benefits of your products and services.

During the recent recession, when many businesses failed or downsized, we were able to grow and help other businesses grow … while having record-setting years! One of the big factors in our success was our commitment to deliver value and keep things as simple as possible for our customers. Now, simple doesn’t always mean easy! I think many organizations have too much waste in unrefined or overcomplicated processes, inadequately trained staff, or inconsistent branding and marketing efforts. None of that adds value from the customer’s point of view, and all of it hurts customer loyalty.

Adding more value is what sets my soul on fire. It’s what gets me excited and makes me want to jump out of bed every day. The joy and rewards that come from this type of focus allow me to tap into innovation and creativity and provide an almost unlimited feeling of energy.

Tapping into my innovation superpower allows me to solve problems and give birth to new ideas. It’s the foundation for developing business growth strategies, improving team performance, inventing new product and service offerings, and transforming business revenues. It can do all that for you and your organization, too.

Imagine how implementing the concept of adding more value can affect your life and the lives of those around you. Customers and prospective customers will be more informed and have instant access to websites that allow customer reviews, product ratings, and price comparisons, and by adding more value, you’ll gain a competitive edge, capture market share, and grow your business.

If you are in business or responsible for helping to generate sales, then creating compelling value propositions and communicating them effectively should be a primary goal for you. Adding value translates into solving problems and delivering the state-of-mind feeling that connect to those benefits and those solutions.

These days, it’s also wise to develop and implement a plan for communicating how you add more value throughout your website, social media, and all your traditional marketing methods.

I like this quote by Zig Ziglar, “You can have everything in life that you want… if you just give enough other people what they want.”

This philosophy of adding value should carry over into literally every aspect of your personal and professional life. That’s why I say that knowing the value you have to offer is a superpower. Learning how to clearly state exactly what that value is – so that clients and potential customers can experience it for themselves emotionally and make good decisions – will help you achieve success, help you boost sales, and build up your customer loyalty.

How do you define…”Adding Value?”  Let me, post a comment below.


Author Byline: Ford Saeks, Business Growth Specialist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant. Helping you find, attract, and keep your customers. https://ProfitRichResults.com

April 30, 2012 Posted By : Ford Saeks


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