It’s more important than ever to position yourself as an expert. Why? Because your potential clients are now bombarded with marketing messages, influenced by social proof and impacted by industry and economic conditions. Positioning yourself as an expert can help you get more bookings, sell more products, attract new clients and make more money!
But positioning yourself as an expert doesn’t just mean telling people you’re an expert. Your expertise in a topic area or your ability to speak, write or consult is a feature. You need to focus on the benefits— in other words, the value your clients will get from your products and services. Let’s consider an example.
One of our favorite clients, Jon Petz, helps organizations transform boring meetings into vehicles for innovation, motivation and decision-making (the benefit he offers). We worked with Jon in the past to create an award-winning website for his groundbreaking book Boring Meetings Suck. Well now that Jon has become the leading meetings expert, he realized his website needed to be repositioned to reflect his expanded brand and expertise. That’s where we came in.
We worked with Jon to reposition the design and copy on his website to reflect his expanded brand and expertise, as well as to focus more on his meeting effectiveness training and live presentations. We also added social proof for all the features Jon offers and a new “Free Stuff” section that’s sure to give prospects a taste of the value he offers.
So remember, whatever your unique expertise, you must keep that focus at the forefront and position yourself accordingly. After all, with today’s information over-loaded society, high competition and fast changing economy, it’s more critical than ever that you are positioned as the ultimate resource and solutions provider in your niche.
Check out Jon’s new website for ideas or contact us directly at (316) 942-1111 if you’ve got any questions!