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13 Prosperity Quotes from Randy Gage

Randy Gage is the author of nine books translated into 25 languages, including the New York Times bestseller, Risky Is the New Safe. Randy has spoken to more than 2 million people across more than 50 countries, and is a member of the Speakers Hall of Fame.

Randy is also one of our clients and I get the opportunity to collaborate with him on a variety of different projects pretty often. That makes me pretty lucky, because he’s a lot of fun to work with! A couple of years ago Randy went on sabbatical, but last week he announced that he’ll be back on January 1, 2015 to spread his prosperity insights.

So this is a great time to give you 13 new and exclusive prosperity quotes from Randy Gage:

  1. “To manifest prosperity, you have to redefine yourself from a recipient to a co-creator.  You have to stop looking for opportunities to present themselves and start creating them.” — Randy Gage
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  2. “If you refuse to set a bold goal for your financial future, you’re really setting a goal anyway: To keep things the way they are.” — Randy Gage
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  3. “Success never goes on sale.  Be willing to pay the market price.” — Randy Gage
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  4. “The wall that protects you from rejection also keeps out love and success.  Accept your abundance.” — Randy Gage
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  5. “Happiness doesn’t come from money and material things, but from the self-expression they can offer you.” — Randy Gage
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  6. “Governments never supply prosperity.  At best, they can facilitate it, by allowing the free enterprise system to work.  Usually they
    suppress it.” — Randy Gage
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  7. “All matter is quantified thought – manifested by the thoughts you give precedence to.  It is your dominant thoughts that determine your destiny.” — Randy Gage
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  8. “Your imagination is the movie trailer for your future, so nurture it always.  Logic will get you to the next level, but only imagination will take you to the level you really want to find.” — Randy Gage
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  9. “For every person seeking greatness, there are hundreds more charged with safeguarding mediocrity.  If you want to be wealthy, stop taking financial advice from broke people.” — Randy Gage
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  10. “Bills are simply invoices for blessings you’ve already received. Pay them with gratitude and circulate prosperity.” — Randy Gage
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  11. “Life is way too short to fly coach.” — Randy Gage
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  12. “Your prosperity will only grow as fast as you do.” — Randy Gage
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  13. “There is no random.  Your life is the harvest of your thoughts.  Life is ever changing, dynamic and full of possibilities.  And your results come from the thoughts you give precedence to.  Instead of letting thoughts “happen,” you must be mindful, becoming the thinker of
    the thought.” — Randy Gage
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Make sure you share these powerful quotes on social media. Have a great week!

Author Byline: Ford Saeks, Business Growth Specialist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant. Helping you find, attract, and keep your customers. https://ProfitRichResults.com

December 15, 2014 Posted By : Ford Saeks


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