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Social Media Marketing Search Engine – www.Go2Web20.net

The real power of Social Media Marketing (SMM) is the “social” part meaning that anyone with the desire can now become a publisher, host or broadcaster of content. There are new SMM sites popping up daily. Eventually, there will be a few winners and a ton of losers. It’s easy to get carried away and jump at every new site, but before you waste a ton of your time — think about the purpose and outcome of your efforts.

For me, as an Internet Marketing Speaker with new topics on Social Media Marketing presentations, It makes sense for me to research and become an active member on several sites.  My role is to evaluate the effectiveness along with the pros & cons, and determine the best way to use them to help my clients grow their business. This goes way beyond the purpose of branding, claiming your space and protecting your image to attracting new customers and creating new relationships with prospects in your target markets.

I’m curious what you think… so take a second and fill out the quick form below and tell me which Social Media Website, if any, is your favorite and why?

Author Byline: Ford Saeks, Business Growth Specialist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant. Helping you find, attract, and keep your customers. https://ProfitRichResults.com

May 6, 2008 Posted By : Ford Saeks

1 Comment

  1. Steve Gavatorta


    I am not sure if you include Linked In as a Social Media Site, but I have found it incredibly useful in building a targeted contact list for potential clients. In fact I have found former fraternity brothers and co-workers that I had lost contact with are now in quite influential positions.

    I have also found the ability to add a promotional video to my You Tube, Facebook & My Space sites as a great way to share information about my business in a concise way…it also appeals to folks who like seeing & hearing from people like me Vs simply reading about me.

    Steve Gavatorta


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