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Website Design Services, Wichita KS

Customized Website Design Services in Wichita Kansas

Wichita Website Design, Web development company Prime Concepts
Yes, Prime Concepts Group is located in Wichita Kansas and we offer custom website design services. While over 90% of our clients are throughout the world, we operate an amazing custom web design and internet marketing services firm right here, too.

Want to learn more about our services? Discover what we can do for your local business.

I’m Ford Saeks, an Internet Marketing Speaker, and way back in 1995 I was presenting seminars and workshops on how to grow your business through innovative sales and marketing campaigns. As soon as I was shown the Internet I immediately recognized it was going to be a revolutionary way to communicate, sell and market.

Ford Saeks, Internet Marketing Speaker from Wichita KSOver the next few years, I focused on presenting full-day and multi-day Internet Marketing training events to help businesses use the internet effectively.  The thing is, that after all of my Internet Marketing presentations people would say, “Ford, you understand what we need for effective website design so can you build our website?

So, being the entrepreneur that I am, I went to other Wichita website design firms, interviewed them, and said that I could keep their sales funnel full of new clients if they could produce effective website designs and website solutions.  Sounded good to me, I’d make 10 to 15% off the top, they would provide the solution and everyone would be happy… Right?

Not so fast…  I worked with four other Wichita Website Design companies and in each case, they understood visual and graphic design, but they sucked at Internet marketing and knew virtually nothing about search-engine optimization (SEO), or how to create website landing pages that converted visitors into subscribers and buyers.

One company ripped me off so badly (over $100,000)  by selling me public domain website scripts and claiming them as their own. They were so stupid that they didn’t even remove the other Wichita web designs firm name from the copyright programming code. I’d reveal their name, but my attorney said to leave it out. They know who they are.  Okay, enough venting… back to the point.

I had prospects that wanted website design services so I started hiring web designers from Wichita, then trained them on the strategies and tactics of effective website design, SEO, landing page techniques and internet marketing.   I wish I could say that it was easy, but Wichita Kansas isn’t exactly the source for finding skilled website designers.  I did find a ton of talented graphic designers, but most didn’t understand how to translate their skills to HTML.   Now we have a full staff of a dozen talented website development people, all working in our corporate office in Wichita KS.

If you’re in Wichita, stop by and say hello and meet the web design team. You’ll quickly understand how we can help you with a new website design project or Internet marketing make-over. 

Since we started offering customized Website development we’ve created over 500 websites in a variety of shapes, sizes and applications. Everything from simple micro-websites, sales letter websites, wordpress blog type websites to fully functional secure membership websites, social media websites, large scale database and eCommerce websites.

You may notice several professional speakers, best-selling authors and experts websites in the Prime Concepts website design portfolio. That’s because I’m in the National Speakers Association, (now a National Board Member too) and speakers understood that I know how to market and sell information type products, like books, cds, dvds, seminars, workshops, training programs, and keynote presentations. They didn’t have to explain the business to me.  You can learn more about me at my Internet Marketing Speaker website.

It’s important to note that we focus on creating website development solutions that help you grow your business. We’ve designed and developed websites in a wide range of industries, from construction, manufacturing, distributing, real estate, health care, financial management, banking, insurance, and retail stores.

My clients don’t care that we’re located in little ol’ Wichita Kansas and you shouldn’t either.  With the use of Skype, Gotomeeting, video conferencing and other technologies solutions you don’t need to select a local website design firm.  Of course, if you live in Wichita, Andover, Derby, Valley Center and surrounding Wichita area then by all means… check out what we have to offer.  We’re members of the Wichita Area Chamber of Commerce and have an A+ Rating at the Better Business Bureau.

You see, I’ve sold millions in products and services for my own business and helped thousands of others grow their business too.   That’s why my clients selected Prime Concepts.

We understand that your website isn’t just about pretty graphics, it’s about top search engine rankings and a website that provides sales, service, marketing, recruitment and is congruent with your unique brand… all wrapped up to provide an amazing user experience and competitive advantage.

Author Byline: Ford Saeks, Business Growth Specialist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant. Helping you find, attract, and keep your customers. https://ProfitRichResults.com

April 25, 2010 Posted By : Ford Saeks


  1. Aliesa George

    Ford Saeks helped us design our Centerworks Pilates website, and create custom YouTube, Twitter and Facebook Graphics. They also created our YouTube Video intros. Check them out at https://www.Youtube.com/centerworks If you looking for Website design services with a business and marketing touch, then these guys can help you.

  2. Internet Marketing Speaker

    Ask Ford Saeks to present at your next conference, convention, association or corporate meeting. Watch his demo video online at Profit Rich Results https://www.ProfitRichResults.com. This is a shameless plug from one of Ford’s Internet Marketing Boot camp attendees. Thanks again for our new website and who cares if your from Wichita or the moon…you’re the man!


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