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Overcoming Procrastination: Beat the B.S.!

Overcoming ProcrastinationI get asked a lot about the best ways to overcome the problem of procrastination. If this is an issue for you, it’s time to get down to business and talk about your B.S.

Yep . . . that’s right . . . I’m talking about your BELIEF SYSTEM (BS).

What you believe about yourself and your world — how you think about yourself — has a powerful effect on what you are able to achieve and accomplish. In fact, what you believe about yourself not only determines what you do . . . it also determines what you talk yourself into NOT doing. If procrastination has becomes a problem for you, then I can guarantee you that the problem lies with a negative belief system.

So let me ask you.

Do you see yourself as a creative and innovative thinker?

Do you like yourself?

Are you proud of the things you’ve accomplished in life so far?

Do you have a can-do attitude?

Or do your beliefs create roadblocks and limitations that prevent you from accessing your superpowers … and keep you from taking the steps you need to take in order to move forward in your life?

All the great techniques in the world for overcoming procrastination won’t work if you don’t have the right mindset on!

I was at a business growth meeting a while ago with my friend Nido Qubein, and one of the presenters was  Bonnie McElveen-Hunter. She was the ambassador for the United States to Finland; she’s also president and CEO of Pace Communications and chairman of the American Red Cross. Talk about a superhero! Now let me ask you: How big a problem do you think someone like that has with procrastination, with putting off the actions that she KNOWS she needs to take?

My sense is that procrastination isn’t a big issue for her. This amazing lady has made a commitment to take action and USE her superpowers … both for business success and to make a positive impact on the planet.

And she is all about the “I CAN” mindset.

During that meeting, I remember her saying, “When I was a child, my mother made me write the words ‘I can’t’ on a piece of paper, put it in a shoebox, and bury it in the backyard. The words ‘I can’t’ have never been a part of my vocabulary. My only option is ‘I can’ . . . then I just have to figure out a way to make it happen.”

Wow! How fabulous to have a parent insightful enough to help a child learn to believe that she can do anything!

Personally, I wasn’t so lucky in my upbringing, but I still received the gift of developing a success mind-set to overcome procrastination through my own efforts and the help of my mentors. Who are your mentors?  Who do you take advice and guidance from to improve your life, your relationships, your career, your business?

Post your Superpower mentors in the comments sections below…

Author Byline: Ford Saeks, Business Growth Specialist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant. Helping you find, attract, and keep your customers. https://ProfitRichResults.com

April 15, 2012 Posted By : Ford Saeks

1 Comment

  1. Leah Osoba

    I love this: “What you believe about yourself not only determines what you do… it also determines what you talk yourself into NOT doing.”

    Hands down, my Superpower Mentor has always been my mom. I don’t ever remember her putting herself down in any way and I think that’s one of the most important things a parent can do for their child– teach them confidence by example.


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