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Big Ideas For Small Businesses

No One Needs Another !$&#%@ E-mail…

If you’re like me, you already get too many e-mails, and the majority of them are junk and of absolutely no interest to you. Neither you—nor your customer—need more of those, right? But no matter how much spam you get, I bet you still manage to find time to read...

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Incredible Content Tips to Build Your E-mail List

These days it is important to keep in mind that no one really wants another piece of e-mail. They want solutions to their problems, to be entertained and informed, to socialize, and build relationships.

If you want to grow your list, start by reviewing your list-building activities. How many people are on your list now? Gather up your other marketing materials and check out your website to see if you’re offering benefit messages that match your target prospect’s needs.

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How Page Title Tags Help Search Engines Find Your Site

With many search engines, the information displayed on search results page comes from two places: the html "title tag" on the web page and its meta-description tag if you have one, or the search engines select text from the landing page for a site description. I don't...

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Generate Million-Dollar Publicity…for FREE!

When was the last time you sent out a press release about your business or products? Do you even have a Media page on your website? Do you think there's any value to sending out press releases about your business? While I don’t know about your opinion concerning...

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