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Common Sense is a Super Power That Can Unlock Hidden Profits in Your Business

Common Sense… Is it really all that “common?”Common Sense is a Super Power by Ford Saeks

Common Sense is such a debatable topic. Some people say you’re either born with it or not.  Others, like me, believe that it can be developed.

What do you think?  How would you rate your level of common sense? What would your friends and colleagues say?

You might be surprised by their answers, but I’m sure you would agree that many people make things way more complicated than they need to be—both in business and their personal lives.  I want to help you add more value, increase your revenues and grow your business.  In a new book I’ll be launching in 90 days, I’m going to reveal how you can develop your super power of common sense.

In this book,  we’ll explore how to see the blinding flashes of the obvious to create amazing results.  Want more website traffic and improved conversions?  Imagine creating a steady stream of leads that convert into customers that rave about your products and services.  Regardless of the current level of success in your department, company or organization developing the common sense insights of you and your team will transform your business.

Super Power Impact

As the headline reads… Common Sense is a super power that can unlock the hidden profits in your business.  Really. A super power?  Well, yes.  Because when you develop, implement and refine your strategies, tactics and insights related to how to market and sell your solutions you create amazing results. You start to see things that others don’t see. You are able to identify new opportunities, new products or channels of distribution.

With over 25 years of helping people find, attract and keep their customers through innovative marketing and sales campaigns, I’ve been privileged to participate in hundreds of new product launches, market expansion plans, branding sessions, and master mind meetings for a wide variety of products and industries. Using the common sense approach that I’m going to reveal in my new book,  I’ve produced millions of dollars of increased business for myself and my clients.

By the very nature of my experience people say that they love my insights, ideas and ability to be innovative.   While I’m flattered… it’s not about me. It’s about helping them communicate the value of their solutions in such a way as to produce better results.

What do you think of the title for my new book…

Common Sense is a Super Power: Unleashing the Hidden Potential in Your Business to Increase Sales and Profits.

What are your thoughts and opinions about Common Sense? Post them below.

Author Byline: Ford Saeks, Business Growth Specialist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant. Helping you find, attract, and keep your customers. https://ProfitRichResults.com

May 7, 2010 Posted By : Ford Saeks

1 Comment

  1. Doug Leever

    Common sense,Now thats a topic,I think you are born with it,it’s like gen,some people got it.some don’t.My ex wife ,,She’s attorney,2 master degrees,5 associates,7 bachelor,Very smart person,,,,book read only,Not one slick of common sense in the whole brain,It just killed me.I had to do the technical work,Talk with lawyers,when she got a little accident,she couldn’t find a lawyer for her self.Just didn’t no how to handle it at all.All that money to go to school,and it didn’t do squawk.I felt sorry for her.I was born Im Las Vegas NV. all my life 49 years.If you don’t have common sense,you just couldn’t survive.I have had 4 business in Las Vegas.I have taken chances that probably no body would do,to succeed. But I did,Sold all of my business as a profit. But there is consequence to it,Some get it worse than others,we call it walking the line,and it’s thin to.I would rather have the common sense than not. Knowing right from wrong.


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