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Direct-Response Copywriting Specialist – Ford Saeks Certified

We can help you craft compelling sales copy to engage, influence and motivate your prospects into action.

Direct-Response Copywriting Specialist – Certified

The ability to write effective copy comes from practice, trial & error, testing, and experience. Our CEO, Ford Saeks believes in “sharpening the saw” and just completed and passed this copywriting expert certification.

To survive today, companies need direct-response copy that gets people to take specific, measurable actions — driving them to make purchases or become sales leads. Copywriting encompasses offline media such as direct-mail letters, print ads, etc., as well as online marketing tactics such as emails, web pages, paid search ads, etc. In this mastery class, you’ll discover proven secrets to writing copy that grabs attention, sets you apart, and SELLS.

Certified Direct-Response Copywriting Specialists are uniquely qualified to help brands and businesses get people to take specific, measurable actions — driving them to make purchases or become sales leads. They are trained to write copy for offline media such as direct-mail letters, print ads, etc., as well as online marketing tactics such as emails, web pages, paid search ads.

Recipients of the “Certified Direct-Response Copywriting Specialists” designation must complete an advanced, 6 module, 41 lesson online course and pass 5 quizzes and a final exam that tests on the full spectrum of direct-response copywriting methods and selling via the written word. When combined with the education, this final exam ensures the public that the recipient has attained a level of competence appropriate for professional practice.

Here are a just a few highlights from the course:

  • #1 rule – people don’t like being sold
  • Copywriting touches every aspect of the customer journey.
  • Copywriting sequence is critical of delivering the benefits at the right moment in the customer’s journey.
  • Different copy at different stages in the sequence
  • Headlines make or break the entire promotion
  • The prospect is the most important element in copywriting, motivating them to take action
  • Look for Unique differences that the prospect will like, that You’re excited about, and set your product or service apart.
  • Use the USP (Unique Selling Proposition) everywhere – taglines, headlines, subheads, subject lines, social adds, testimonials, restate in the Call-to-action
  • People buy transformation –  from a less desirable before state to a more desirable after state.  And that transformation shift IS the purpose of the copy.

What’s an area of focus you’d like to improve?  There are no excuses… Everything is literally a click away, either from a YouTube Video, Book or Audio from Amazon, or by hiring an expert, freelancer, or agency that specializes in that topic.



Author Byline: Ford Saeks, Business Growth Specialist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant. Helping you find, attract, and keep your customers. https://ProfitRichResults.com

December 15, 2018 Posted By : Ford Saeks


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