Publicity Tips
P.R. Quick & Dirty… 7 Reasons why you need free publicity:
1. Establishes credibility about you and your products or services.
2. Enhances customer retention.
3. Makes it easier to enter new markets.
4. Creates a competitive advantage.
5. Helps to position your products or services in your target markets.
6. Helps you sell more.
7. The price is right. It’s practically free!
TIP#1: When you prepare the release, use the term “MEDIA RELEASE” for television and radio and “PRESS RELEASE” for print media. Getting those terms mixed up sends a red flag to the editors and producers and your release may end up in the trash before they even look at it.
TIP#2: Many publications struggle each month to fill advertising space and welcome articles and product releases that add value to their audiences.
Basic anatomy of a media/press release:
It’s nothing more that a sales letter without a salutation or a signature.
1. Start with a unique benefit message in the form of a headline & subhead focused at the target market of their readers, listeners of viewers.
2. In a first paragraph mention your name and the compelling messages and benefits that you offer. Use might want to use highlighted bullets for easy reading. In most cases it’s critical to tie your benefits to hot or current topics.
3. The next couple of paragraphs should state why you or your company is unique and has credibility to offer such solutions.
4. The closing paragraph is the action step that you want your readers, listeners or viewers to do. For example, call for a free report, come to our event, etc.
Send out press releases each month to multiple mediums. Go to the library and check out the reference section for directories of publications. One great resource is the Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) directory and site.
Call them and ask for their “media/advertising kits”. Then review their publicaiton (or media source) and get familiar with the style and content to make sure that what you’re submitting has VALUE to their audience, readers, listeners, viewers, etc.
Then you can submit story angles that get attention and add valude… and more importantly, drive traffic to your site, build your prospect and customer lists and help you sell more product and services.
What are my industry, profession, topic… print publications or media companies:
“I spend at least 2 hours a day on outbound marketing & promotion to bring business my way.”