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Big Ideas For Small Businesses

Are You Using Target Marketing to Increase Conversions?

Are You Using Target Marketing to Increase Conversions?

If You're Sending the Same Message to Multiple Markets, You're Missing Out on Conversions! Think about your prospects...  Likely, your business has at least a couple different target markets.  Try to put yourself in the mind of each.  What does each target market...

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Generating Inbound Leads with a LinkedIn Strategy

Generating Inbound Leads with a LinkedIn Strategy

What kind of LinkedIn user are you? Are you simply accepting connections from clients, vendors, and co-workers? Or are you actively using it to increase leads, grow your business, and improve your bottom line? Unfortunately, just having a profile on LinkedIn and...

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Are You Setting SMART Goals for Yourself and Your Business?

Are You Setting SMART Goals for Yourself and Your Business?

Think back...What was the last goal you set for yourself? Did you achieve it? If not, what was holding you back? Or…has it been so long since you’ve set a goal that you can’t even remember? Whether you want to succeed in your business or just on a personal level (and...

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Don’t Scare Customers Away with 800 Numbers!

Picture this: You’re researching a product you've been thinking about buying… we’ll use shoes, for example. Since you’re shopping online and can’t actually try the shoes on, you want to talk to a real person to ask a few questions. On the company’s website, you see...

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Three Tips to Clone Time and Get More Done!

Three Tips to Clone Time and Get More Done!

Don’t let technology use you. Use technology to your advantage and get more done! Here’s the deal… we all have a choice when it comes to our focus and actions. We can choose to leverage technology and harness its power in support of our goals, or we can decide not to....

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