Prime Insights
Big Ideas For Small Businesses
What Is The Single Most Important Element in Your Direct Marketing Efforts?
Is it the offer itself, the graphic design, or maybe the copy? Nope. The single most important element of every direct-mail campaign is the completeness, accuracy, and relevance of your mailing list. Without a doubt, it's the quality of your list that will make or...
Generate Million-Dollar Publicity…for FREE!
When was the last time you sent out a press release about your business or products? Do you even have a Media page on your website? Do you think there's any value to sending out press releases about your business? While I don’t know about your opinion concerning...
Online and Traditional Marketing Methods Help Prospects “See” Your Message
These days effective marketing that delivers prospects needs to include Internet Marketing and traditional marketing aspects. Separaretly, a website, social media campaign or direct mail program may not be sufficient to get you the traffic you desire, but used...
Use Free Publicity to Build Recognition and Sell More
Are you taking full advantage of the free publicity available to you? When was the last time YOU sent out a press release? What’s YOUR opinion of media releases? Do you have a media section (or page) on your website? I’ve harnessed the power of publicity to promote...
Keyword Tips to Drive Traffic to Your Site from the Search Engines
Always keep an eye on your Keyword Placement and Keyword Density on the body of your web pages. Try to think of specific "keyword phrases" and not just "keywords." Why? Due to the extreme amount of competition for general terms in the search engines, if your keyword...
Use Your Website to Guide Prospects Through the Buying Process
Think about your last big purchase. Did you use the Internet, either for researching a product or to buy something? What was the last thing you purchased from a website? What are your favorite websites—and why? Make a list of the top five that you visit and once...