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Big Ideas For Small Businesses

Facebook Messages Puts the Private Back in Public

“Facebook e-mail” puts the private back in public Earlier this year, I read a column about how several colleges and universities were no longer distributing email accounts to new students.  The rationale behind this was that the majority of millennials are plugged...

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Outstanding Customer Service

I'm know for helping companies with ideas and strategies to grow their business. While customer service is certainly part of growing a business, my topic areas focus more on Internet Marketing, Monetizing Social Media and Innovation. Recently, I was flying back from...

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The ABC’s of Blogging

Blogging tips and strategies to increase online traffic to your website, find and attract customers and position yourself as an expert.

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Get Clarity on Growing your Business

What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned about growing your business? If you’re a goal-setter and a planner, you’ve already made great progress on your list of New Year’s Resolutions.  If you're like most people, you may create the goal list, but struggle with the...

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How Social Media has Changed the Hiring Game

Using LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Blogs to Find the Perfect Addition to Your Team Social media is a game changer. We’ve seen it affect how we interact and share with friends and family, make decisions, hear and spread news, market, and much more. It even affects...

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