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Big Ideas For Small Businesses

How to Create a High-Converting Homepage

How to Create a High-Converting Homepage

Do you ever wonder why some businesses bring in a ton of leads that convert to sales while others struggle to stay afloat? Why some make huge profits while others barely break even? There could be a plethora of reasons behind a business underperforming, but a pretty...

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5 Business Lessons from The Christmas Chronicles

5 Business Lessons from The Christmas Chronicles

Borrowing themes from The Santa Clause and Elf, both available in the Do You See What I See archives, the Christmas Chronicles strayed a just a bit from the typical Christmas movie formula. This 2018 Netflix hit presented Santa as a deliciously chiseled hunk who...

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4 Business Lessons from How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

4 Business Lessons from How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

When the infamous Grinch first entered our lives through Dr. Suess way back in 1957, he didn’t just steal Christmas. No, ladies and gentlemen, he stole our hearts, and while The Grinch was busy stealing our hearts, HIS heart was becoming dangerously enlarged, growing...

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5 Business Lessons from Frosty the Snowman

5 Business Lessons from Frosty the Snowman

It’s December 17th, almost time for Frosty the Snowman to return once again. He shows up around this time every year to entertain children, rankle some police officers, and take a couple of puffs from the corncob pipe. Don’t worry, he doesn’t have any lungs, it can’t...

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5 Business Lessons from Elf

5 Business Lessons from Elf

Hey there. So I was thinking… If you ignore the tragic backstory of Buddy the Elf… you know, that whole “not knowing his real family for 30 years thing” and being so poorly cared for by his orphanage that he’s unknowingly whisked away by St. Nick himself, the guy, or...

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5 Business Lessons from The Santa Clause

5 Business Lessons from The Santa Clause

What would you think if you suddenly gained a hundred pounds, grew a bushy white beard, and noticed that your clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot? Either 2020 struck again or you’ve assumed the role of Santa Claus. If your belly begins to shake like a bowl...

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