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Big Ideas For Small Businesses

Creating Your Marketing Mindset Part 1

Is your B.S. getting in the way of your marketing success? Think about your role in the marketing process? Are you an Executive, Marketing Director, Entrepreneur, business owner, or sales person? ... Regardless, "The Profit Rich Marketing Show" will help you increase...

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How to use Direct Mail Effectively

The Three Critical Elements of a Success Direct Mail Campaign Let's explore the three critical elements in every direct mail campaign. They are: the LIST, the OFFER, and the CREATIVE. Think of it as the WHO, the WHAT, and the HOW. Don't worry, we'll go to into depth...

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How to use Direct Mail & Direct Response Marketing

How to use Direct Mail to reach targeted prospects and get them to take action to buy your products and services. I was at my desk when my new assistant brought me a stack of the day's mail. She said, Don't you want me sort this out for you so you don't have to waste...

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Use Publicity to Grow Your Business

How to Get Free Publicity Publicity as you know comes in many communication forms, from traditional print, tv, and radio to the power of the internet. My outcome is to re-ignite your passion and purpose for creating FREE and low cost publicity to increase your market...

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How to Get Free Publicity

Whiz-kid goes from Rags to Riches and Makes Millions with Bike Rack Idea!... was the headline in The Globe Magazine. That was just one of literally hundreds of articles and stories that were generated from my publicity efforts for my sporting goods company. Now the...

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Creating Your Marketing Plan – Part 2

A great way to drive home the importance of having a marketing plan is to imagine you're sitting in your dream car, but with one little caveat... the windows are all painted black and there are no gauges. You push the pedal to floor and zoom, zoom, away you go! What...

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