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Big Ideas For Small Businesses

5 Key Concepts of Responsive Design

5 Key Concepts of Responsive Design

Two and more years ago, the only people really talking about responsive design and development were the professionals. Those people doing it and helping their clients by building their sites that way, but those same clients didn’t really know to ask for it. Now they...

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The Many Dangers Lurking in Your Outdated WordPress Site

The Many Dangers Lurking in Your Outdated WordPress Site

The internet is full of too-smart people waiting to take advantage of any security vulnerability in your site, gaining access to your information, your email, and making your site deliver malware to anyone who visits it. Once your site has become victim to malware and...

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Top 5 Things to Update on My website

Top 5 Things to Update on My website

Running a business is a lot like juggling, you have to focus on many different components to keep things running smoothly and make sure you don’t drop the ball. We are here to try to make that easier with a list of items to keep updated regularly, as well as a Monthly...

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Do I need to update my website?

Do I need to update my website?

That’s like asking - Do you need to change the oil in your car? The answer is, your car will run for a while, dirt will accumulate, the filter will clog and the oil will no longer lubricate the pistons as they move up and down. You may notice smoke, clanking sounds,...

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Monthly Website Maintenance and Your Business Marketing

Monthly Website Maintenance and Your Business Marketing

Did you know that your website will actually work for you and your business? Your website can bring in traffic and help make conversions as long as you keep it up to date and taken care of. Search engines love fresh content, fast load speeds and secure sites. Fresh...

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Yep, Even Speakers Need Mobile Websites. Here’s Why…

Yep, Even Speakers Need Mobile Websites. Here’s Why…

If you're a professional speaker, you can't afford NOT  to have a mobile website-- and not just because your site's rankings depend on it. Even if you're not seeing a lot of mobile traffic to your site, having a mobile presence is still a tremendous asset for...

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