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Big Ideas For Small Businesses

How Social Media has Changed the Hiring Game

Using LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Blogs to Find the Perfect Addition to Your Team Social media is a game changer. We’ve seen it affect how we interact and share with friends and family, make decisions, hear and spread news, market, and much more. It even affects...

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Social Proof = Buyer Confidence

Social Proof is a Critical Factor of Influencing Buying Decisions You see examples of social proof everyday… beyond client testimonials, case studies and customer reviews; it’s in the star ratings on Amazon, the number of likes of Facebook, the video views on YouTube...

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Social Media Hype: The Great Debate

Social Media Hype: The Great Debate

I recently posted a question on LinkedIn about social media hype... I asked, "There’s a great debate on social media being a lot of hype.  What do you think and why?" Here's the conversation... add your opinion too. F. Feather: It is the dot-com bubble all over...

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Achieving Success: Leadership, Drafting, and Escalators

Achieving Success: Leadership, Drafting, and Escalators

The Speed of the Leader Determines the Rate of the Pack. I’ve been a cyclist for many years.  As a CAT 3 cyclist, I've logged thousands of hours, mostly from show and go training rides, where people show up at a specific location and go for a pack bike ride. The...

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