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Do I need to update my website?

Do I need to update my website?

That’s like asking – Do you need to change the oil in your car?

The answer is, your car will run for a while, dirt will accumulate, the filter will clog and the oil will no longer lubricate the pistons as they move up and down. You may notice smoke, clanking sounds, poor gas mileage and lower than desirable performance. Eventually the engine will overheat and fail. A similar occurrence will happen if you do not keep your website up to date.

website security threat

There are many security threats, malware and malicious software floating around the web. Most of these threats are not visible and can be overlooked for a while until things start failing. Fixing something that is broken requires much more time, energy and money than some simple steps of preventative maintenance. (more…)

Monthly Website Maintenance and Your Business Marketing

Monthly Website Maintenance and Your Business Marketing

Did you know that your website will actually work for you and your business? Your website can bring in traffic and help make conversions as long as you keep it up to date and taken care of.

Search engines love fresh content, fast load speeds and secure sites. Fresh content will drive daily impressions and assure that your visitors are getting what they need from your website. So, how do you keep your content current and working hard for you?Happy Women Updating Website (more…)

Responsive Web Design Goes Beyond Mobile

Responsive Web Design Goes Beyond Mobile

Gone are the days when we front end developers can create one site, one set of rules, and be done. When we talk about the definition of a responsive site – and why you need it – we’re not just talking about serving your mobile device. No, the need for a responsive site goes well beyond catering to the mobile masses. While that’s certainly where the philosophy started (as well it should – mobile internet use increases exponentially every day), responsive web development is about maximizing a site’s performance across any internet-connected device. (more…)