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Creating Your Marketing Plan – Part 2

A great way to drive home the importance of having a marketing plan is to imagine you’re sitting in your dream car, but with one little caveat… the windows are all painted black and there are no gauges. You push the pedal to floor and zoom, zoom, away you go! What do you think is going to happen next? Certainly, you’re going to crash-not a pretty picture.


Internet Marketing Speaker Likes Twitter for Business

First, the buzz was all about having a website, then came email marketing, instant messaging and blogging followed by MySpace and now thousands of Social Media & Networking Sites.

With all of the Social Media Sites growing exponentially, I’m frequently asked if they can really help build a business… Yes, they can. Sure you have to take the time to learn the unique nuances of each site, their purpose and how the community interacts, but Social Networking is here to stay and is only going to get bigger.

I’ve focused more on Youtube, FaceBook, and LinkedIN, but lately, all of the buzz has been about www.Twitter.com

I set my account up months ago but didn’t Tweet (post) much at all. Today, after presenting for the Publicity Society of America (PRSA) at their national convention I was amazed how many people were talking about how they were using Twitter effectively. View it at www.Twitter.com/Prime_Concepts

Twitter: Social Media Marketing

So tonight I updated my Twitter profile, created a custom page background, posted a few Tweets, linked a few favorites and downloaded a small application to my Iphone.

I searched for my name “Ford Saeks” and found several people that had tweeted (sorry, I’m not used to that term yet) with quotes from my presentation. From there, I found more blog postings about me too. What a great way to stay connected to your customers and more importantly your “brand”. (watch Twitter Video >>)
