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Outstanding Customer Service

I’m know for helping companies with ideas and strategies to grow their business. While customer service is certainly part of growing a business, my topic areas focus more on Internet Marketing, Monetizing Social Media and Innovation. Recently, I was flying back from speaking at the International Franchise Association (IFA) and my layover was in Atlanta Hartsfield Jackson International Airport (ATL) and witnessed an amazing display of customer service.


The ABC’s of Blogging

Did anyone even know or care what a blog was ten years ago?  None of us did; but we now know it’s a powerful communication and marketing tool that can add value to your readers, and increase your digital footprint to grow your business.

Whether you’re a novice or seasoned blogger, use these ABC’s of Blogging Tips to improve your blogging.

Add value to attract attention

Build trust to create a following

Consistency is crucial to keep readers coming back


Get Clarity on Growing your Business

What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned about growing your business?

If you’re a goal-setter and a planner, you’ve already made great progress on your list of New Year’s Resolutions.  If you’re like most people, you may create the goal list, but struggle with the strategy and action steps to reach them.

A friend of mine recently released a book titled “Clarity.”  Written by Bob Bohlen, a man who’s achieved so much success in his life; it makes you wonder if there are super humans living among us.  Bob doesn’t claim to have extraordinary abilities; he’s simply found a plan that works, and he works that plan every day.


How Social Media has Changed the Hiring Game

Using LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Blogs to Find the Perfect Addition to Your Team

Social media is a game changer. We’ve seen it affect how we interact and share with friends and family, make decisions, hear and spread news, market, and much more. It even affects the way people hunt for jobs and the way companies look for potential employees. (more…)