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Imitation Is More than Flattery

Imitation Is More than Flattery

As with most offices, Halloween is a time to shed the tie and dress up for a day. If you are in our office, taking off my flip flops is what I had to do. Heather Newell (Lady Web Hawk) took imitation to a whole new level. Her depiction of Ford and some great old photos, would have won many awards at local Halloween contests. She went all out and brought some great culture and laughs to a very busy schedule producing results for our clients.


How to Monetize Your Expertise: Be An Expert

Are you a Thought-Leader or an Expert?

Expert, Thought Leader, Influencer, Game-Changer….. this list could go on for days.

Thanks to so-called “marketing geniuses” fancy buzz words have flooded the market and have caused confusion and chaos on what qualifies someone to fall into these specific categories. For example, you may hear someone refer to themselves as an “Industry Expert” or as “The Thought Leader” of their industry. So, how can you tell the difference between an expert and a thought leader? (more…)