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Use Your Superpower To Make Life Easier and Get Better Results


Ford Saeks here coming to you from the offices of Prime Concepts Group with some more Superpower thoughts. Do you sometimes wonder why other people achieve monumental success… but you’re still struggling to get what you want in life?

If so, you’re definitely not alone.

Some of it may boil down to the differences between a can-do and a can’t-do attitude, but an even larger factor could be the strategy you are using to get where you want to go!

In my experiences speaking, training and consulting with hundreds of organizations around the globe, dealing with all types of people, I constantly run across situations where people are just making things too hard and too complicated! And it makes me laugh just to think back on all of the times in my own life and career where I made things too complicated or the answers to problems were actually right in front of me. But because I felt it just couldn’t be THAT easy, it wasn’t.

Now I know… you have to have processes and procedures, and I’m a big fan of those that improve productivity and performance to get better results, but you have to ask yourself in every situation, “Am I making things too difficult?”

If the answer is yes, it’s time to reevaluate.

So what can you do now to start making life easier?

Start by writing down three things in your life that you think are too complicated. And then list out each step you’ll have to go through to complete each of them.

After your list is done, put it down and come back to it later. Whether it’s an hour later, 8 hours later, or two days, it doesn’t matter, the key is to put a fresh set of eyes on your list.

But, when you do come back, take a hard look at every step and decide if you REALLY need all of them. If you don’t need them, then get rid of them!

As you get used to this process, you’ll start to train your mind to think in terms of simple and will start to eliminate unnecessary steps in everything you do, making life easier! Just remember, everything doesn’t have to be complicated, so don’t let it be.

Well, that’s all for today! Make sure to keep us in the loop on your Superpower journey! Comment here, post on Facebook, or tweet using the #SuperPowerBook

Tips to be Safe Online and Prevent Identity Theft in 2013

Tips to be Safe Online and Prevent Identity Theft in 2013

Web Developer Shares Tips to be Safe Online

An Interview with PCG’s Lead Web Developer

At the beginning of last year, we had our lead web developer, Paul, write a blog post about being safe online in 2012.  Well, we can’t believe it, but it’s that time of year again!

With identity theft currently ranked as the fastest growing crime in the United States and more and more people shopping and paying bills online, it’s more important than ever to be safe on the Internet.


Are You Using Generational Marketing to Speak in Your Customer’s Language?

Are You Using Generational Marketing to Speak in Your Customer’s Language?

Use generational marketing to speak in your customer's language

Take a good look at your marketing materials and website.  Does the language used sound formal, manufactured or “sales-y”?  If you answered “yes,” you’re far from alone, but you need to hear this: high-pressure sales messages and corporate-speak are out!  Straight talk and human language are in.

In today’s marketplace, the consumer base is dominated with Generation X-ers and Y-ers. They don’t want to spend time interpreting complicated, obscure messages. They want honesty, authenticity and transparency.


Video Marketing Secrets – Use YouTube and Video to Grow Your Business

Video Marketing Secrets – Use YouTube and Video to Grow Your Business

It’s the age of video!

Ford Saeks coming to you from the offices of Prime Concepts Group with some video marketing tips.

With 48 hours of video being uploaded every minute to YouTube, it’s clear that video and video marketing is here to stay. When you add video into your marketing mix, you can quickly and easily capture attention, build your brand, provide inspiration, entertain, educate, influence your viewers to take action, and so much more.

But, video can be intimidating if you’ve never done it before, or you don’t have a clear plan. But that’s where I can help.

Here are 7 tips to make your video marketing strategy a success:

#1. The first 15 seconds is KEY. With attention spans getting shorter and shorter, you need to quickly grab attention, and then pull the viewer in with compelling content.

#2. Branded intros and outros add a professional quality to your content and help increase brand awareness and recognition.

#3. Viewers will forgivable poor video. They won’t forgive poor audio. You always need to have clear, audible sound.

#4. Make sure your video has a point. Whether you use a script or not, be clear and direct with your message.

#5. Don’t be fake. Your viewers want to see videos where it’s you being you. So be authentic and be natural.

#6. Think shorter not longer. Going back to the short attention spans and a clear and direct message we already talked about, if your video is too long, you’re going to lose the audience. So, think about shortening it up, or dividing it into multiple segments.

#7. Online video is an interactive experience. Whether it’s leaving a comment, tweeting, adding it to Facebook, or visiting your website, asking your viewers to take action will lead to more activity and help you build engagement and an audience.

What does this all come down to? If you haven’t started using video, you need to!