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Social Influence Webinar Replay… Almost 1,000 registered!

Simple Social Media Strategies for Everyone Who Wants to Connect, Engage & Grow Their Business!

Many people submitted questions and with almost 1000 people registered it was virtually impossible to get to all of them. Look for those questions to be answered here on the blog. Subscribe to the RSS Feed to be notified of new posts.

This was a free and action-packed webinar on Social Media Influence and you’re encouraged to send the replay link to your other team members, associates and friends that are interested in growing their businesses and leveraging social media.

Didn’t ask your question yet?  Add a comment to this post and it will be answered shortly.


Business Growth Summit Event with Ford Saeks [Video]

Grow Your Business – You’re Invited…


Each day you’re faced with new opportunities and the challenges of how you are going to spend your time and money. Whether you’re the CEO, entrepreneur, or the person responsible for increasing results from marketing and sales efforts, you already know that it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find, attract and keep your customers.

Business Growth Summit with Ford Saeks

The good news is—there is no need to panic! The sky is not falling… these economic times have actually created many new opportunities—if you know how to capitalize on them.

I wanted you to be one of the first to know about this event so you can mark your calendar and get registered for the Las Vegas Event in September 2011.

Watch the video above or visit the Business Growth Summit Event Website for more details.

They’re Just Words… Or are They?

One of the first things I have copywriters do when they start at Prime Concepts is to read information on writing with keywords.  The information is definitely helpful since we are a custom website design, online marketing, graphic design, interactive design and internet marketing company.

Really, though, I’ve learned how important it is for all companies to incorporate keywords into their web content.  But what if your website has already been built and you don’t have a new website planned anytime soon?  You can still incorporate keywords into articles, newsletters and blog posts you put on the web.


Showcase Your Professionalism

I have been truly impressed by the talented, hardworking people the Prime Concepts Group is made of.  With that said, we’ve got some grammar and punctuation issues!  And if we do, that means your organization probably does too.


Facebook Messages Puts the Private Back in Public

“Facebook e-mail” puts the private back in public

Earlier this year, I read a column about how several colleges and universities were no longer distributing email accounts to new students.  The rationale behind this was that the majority of millennials are plugged into social media sites like Facebook, and these “instant gratification” users think email is too slow.

Email is too slow?  Makes you wonder if this new generation of users even knows what “snail mail” is!
