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How to Manage Multiple Social Media Sites at Once

How to Manage Multiple Social Media Sites at Once

Syndicate your content using a social media dashboard like Hootsuite.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “I know I need to be using social media, but I just don’t have the time.” Or “I have Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts but I can’t manage them all.” I have a simple answer for them: Aggregate and Syndicate. (more…)

NEXT Financial Group – How can we leverage Social Media under FINRA’s regulations?

I work with several financial institutions, just like Next Financial Group,  who realize the power of social media and want to leverage it to expand their online presence, but may be unsure of EXACTLY what they are allowed to do according to Compliance and FINRA regulations.  Social Media websites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn have popped up on the radar of compliance officers across the country as financial institutions are realizing the importance of using social media to connect with their next generation of clients.  Hands are tied… or are they? (more…)

“Check in” to the New Social Media Trend

What are geolocation applications and why do they matter to your business?

Geolocation applications like FourSquare, Gowalla and the recently released Facebook places are the latest social media trend and the next big thing for businesses and advertisers to use to connect with prospects and customers.

So what exactly are geolocation applications? A whole category of apps that are based around phones that are smart enough to know your location. If you have a smartphone, you can use these geolocation applications to check in to places, let your friends know where you are, and see where you friends are. You might see the use in this if you’ve ever gone somewhere, only to discover later that your colleagues or friends were there too. Beyond simply knowing where your friends are, on Foursquare and Gowalla you can also see tips left by people who have visited that place before you, for example in a restaurant you might find a tip about what to order.


Tips For Successful Trade Show Exhibits

The other day I posted a blog on choosing the best trade show for your business. If you haven’t yet, you should check it out before you continue with this post.

Once you’ve chosen the right trade show for your business, there are several things you must do before and during the show to ensure it’s a success.

Trade Show Marketing
There is a lot of marketing you can do before a show to get your target audience to come to your booth. Then, once you are there, take advantage of any opportunity you have to expand your reach outside your booth so you can help the visitors find you. In all of your trade show marketing material, both pre-show and during the show, you need to have the proper graphics and the proper copy and make it all congruent so people can easily identify you and your brand. (more…)

Choosing the Right Trade Show for Your Business

When it comes to growing your business or launching a new product, trade and consumer shows can be the most effective and fastest way to gain industry insight, capture new prospect leads, and network.

You can learn more in three days by going to a trade show than you can in 3 months, or even years, of just searching.  The key is selecting the right show to get the best bang for your buck…
