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WordPress Blog Categories and Tags: Demystified: 3

WordPress Blog Categories and Tags: Demystified: 3

Part 3: To Tag or Not to Tag, That Is the Question…

Welcome to the third and final installment of this series! In Part 1, we discussed how WordPress blog categories and tags function, and in Part 2 we covered guidelines for how to use categories effectively. Now, let’s move on to how to use tags.

In the previous section, I stressed the importance of being strategic in your category creation for both user experience and SEO. The same goes for tags—even more so. Here’s why. (more…)

WordPress Blog Categories and Tags: Demystified: 3

WordPress Blog Categories and Tags: Demystified: 1

Part 1: What Are Categories and Tags For, Exactly?

You’ve just finished writing a post on your WordPress blog. You’ve proofread it, it’s good to go, and you sigh in satisfaction as you go to hit the publish button…

… and, oh, wait. You’re supposed to assign the post to a category and add tags first.


What are those categories and tags for, anyway? Are they just some kind of internal thing for managing your blog? Do you have to use both of them? Is assigning categories and tags the same as assigning SEO keywords? (more…)

Syndicate Your Content Through Multiple Platforms

Syndicate Your Content Through Multiple Platforms

You are an expert in your field and have created loads of great content for your audience. Now where should you distribute it? How do you get started?

First you want to think about your ideal lead or customer…do you have them in mind? Great! Where do they hang out? What are their hobbies? What kind of car do they drive? Make sure you have really dug deep to know your prospect. (more…)

Using Lead Magnets to Give True Value to Your Customers

Using Lead Magnets to Give True Value to Your Customers

Ever signed up for a free trial, a template, or set of tips in exchange for your email? That is a lead capture, a tool that marketers use to provide great information for their prospective clients. You signed up because they were going to give you something you were interested in or was valuable to you, and all you needed to do was provide your name and email to get great tools for free! (more…)