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6 Things You Need to Include on Your Meeting Planner Page

6 Things You Need to Include on Your Meeting Planner Page

Put yourself in the shoes of a meeting planner. You’ve been tasked with finding a keynote speaker for your organization’s latest event, and you want to find someone that can speak to your niche’s particular pain points, help them find solutions, and offer actionable steps they can take to transform their thinking and achieve amazing results. These same needs apply regardless of the industry or audience. So how do you get a meeting planner’s attention? Create a speaker website of course. But what’s next? How do you write a great meeting planner page to convince them to book you today? Follow these steps and you’ll have the copy and content for your own meeting planner page.


3 Questions to Consider in Your Speaker Website Design

3 Questions to Consider in Your Speaker Website Design

Speakers, the first thing a meeting planner does when considering whether or not to hire you for an event is take a look at your website. Their goal is to learn about your message, your typical audience and your fee. But they also want to know that you are an expert whose opinions are valued by reputable companies and thousands of followers. Your site becomes your first impression, and your speaker website design will reflect on you. Here are a few things a viewer will be critiquing on your site.


Blogging Template: Are You Doing It Wrong? Here Are Some Tips

Blogging Template: Are You Doing It Wrong? Here Are Some Tips

Blogging is easy, right? You just find a topic people are interested in, write up a post, and hit “publish.” Not so fast. The most successful bloggers put a little more thought and effort into streamlining their blogging template. When you have a checklist, it makes producing a blog post easy while also ensuring that you don’t miss any steps. Here’s the process at Prime Concepts Group, along with more detail behind each step.


Need to Save Time? Here Are 9 Awesome Blogging Tools

Need to Save Time? Here Are 9 Awesome Blogging Tools

No man (or woman) is an island, as they say, so don’t expect to manage your blogging empire alone. Even if you don’t have a team at your beck and call, all hope is not lost. This is the digital age, after all, and there are plenty of blogging tools to help even the solopreneur speed up the writing and publishing process. Here are a few of our favorite resources.
